Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mission Accomplish

A very big thank you for your rejoinder compliment. 

Freedom of speech is our desire. Yes, I'm a very selfish egomaniac creature, that even a psychiatrist don't have a cure. All the friends around are slow-witted flatterers. A school dropout with zero intelligence quotient IQ always babbling with nonsensical writing. What to expect from a small peasant with limited education ?

Thank you for wasting your time, referring to the dictionary to understand the very hard, hard, beautiful words that were rarely in used today. Left inertia. Thanks again for pinpointing the wrong grammars and the distorted usage of the hard, hard wording in the articles using high Emotional Quotient EQ.

Why don't an idiotic useless writer used the grammar checker to write an almost flawless article to impress ? Without any catchy phrases with beautiful distorted hard wording, there's no fun for an estupido to write, for it will only defeat my objective.

Every languages have their own beautiful ways in expression. No one is perfect in this world. One is only perfect when one is six feet underground and the writing could become a memoir for their loved ones.

Time will be the witness with what an estupido wrote.    


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Culture's That Being Distorted

The Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated by the Chinese Buddhist throughout the world on the seventh month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. A myth and a folklore, where the Hell Gate will be open for the whole month to allow the hungry spirits to roam the Earth looking for foods. All the wandering souls must return before the Gate was closed at the end of the seventh month.

As a Buddhist myself, I took it as a teaching of good values should be the essence, not religion per se. I find it kinda funny how the Buddhist celebrate it nowadays. An observance prayer, offering plenty of foods, fruits and money to appease the lost wandering Souls, in order not to wreak havoc on Earth to have a better world.

Celebrated with such an epicurean heterogeneous au naturel showgirls, extol with erotic obsequious languages. Inviting plenty of who's are who's to show who are mightier and transmogrify this festival as a mafioso fiefdom. An observance to appease the Hungry Souls or to the Frisky Hungry audiences ?

Broooom!! Broooom !!, "Zhao Gongming @ Cai Shen" or "God of Prosperity" arriving in a gold plated Lamborghini to be put up to the highest bidders at Cristie's Auctions House. Rich Kawan kawan, brother, heng tai, it's leeeloooonnnng  time for "Cai Shen". ANYMORE BIDDER'S ? IssssssH, SORRY AHHH, the Poor, Unfortunate, God Fearing Peasants, don't have a "God of Prosperity" to pray  AH ?

Don't you think it's funny, desecrating the true values in the Hungry Ghost Festival ?       

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Apakah Maksudnya Tanggungjawab ?

Beras yang di makan berbillion orang, akan melahirkan berbagai karenah dan pendapat yang berbeza. Banyak yang keliru tentang perkataan TANGGUNGJAWAB ini. Banyak definasi yang boleh di tafsirkan. Berikut adalah definasi saya, khasnya di tujukan kepada anak serta guru mengenai perkataan ini.

Pada hari ini, demi mencari kemewahan, kita lupa tanggungjawab kita sebagai anak kepada ibubapa. Banyak orang tua yang hidup bersendirian dan penuh kesunyian walaupun ada anak dan cucu yang kaya raya. Memiliki banglo dan kereta yang berjuta juta. Begitu juga pusat orang tua yang tumbuh pesat macam cendawan pada hari ini.

Berbagai huraian alasan akan di berikan, yang di klasifasikan oleh mereka sebagai amat taat dan tanggungjawab mereka sebagai seorang anak kepada ibubapa. Kebanyakkan memberi perkerjaan sebagai alasan. Ada yang kata isteri tidak mahu duduk dengan orang tua kerana banyak mengumpat. Mungkin ada kebenaran di sini. Ini kebanyakkanya berlaku kepada keluarga yang mempunyai adik beradik yang ramai. Ibubapa akan di tendang macam bola, ke sana, ke sini terutamanya bila mereka sudah tua, uzur dan mermerlukan rawatan doktor yang kerap.

Tandatanya tanggungjawab timbul dalam situasi sebegini. Wang ringgit serta isteri dapat di cari dan di tukar ganti tetapi ibubapa tidak dapat di jual beli. Ada yang kata, saya bagi makan dan minum serta segala kemewahan dengan menggunakan banyak wang. Begitu juga lembu dan kuda. Binatang ini juga di beri makan dan minum serta bangsal tinggal dengan menggunakan wang !!! Cuba kita tanya sendiri, ada apakah perbezaan ibubapa kita kalau di bandingkan dengan binatang ini ?

Bagi orang tua yang uzur dan sakit, wang ringgit tiada bermakna bagi mereka. Apa yang mereka perlukan ialah salah seoerang anak berada di samping mereka serta dapat mendengar gelak ketawa dan teriakan dan melihat gelagat kebudakan cucu kesayangan mereka. Kasih sayang saja yang mereka pinta.

Di harap yang masih mempunyai ibubapa, curahkan kasih sayang kita semasa mereka masih ada. Jangan hanya kesal dan menangis bila di perkuburan mereka.            

Sistem pelajaran kita pada masa kini seakan sebuah kapal yang tanpa nahkoda. Polisi yang berputar belit, di luluskan dan tidak di luluskan pada masa yang sama. Macam loyar buruk cakap, quod approbo non reprobo. Mengambil se langkah ke hadapan dan dua langkah ke belakang.

Pendidikan tidak boleh diperjudikan walaupun ada berlainan pendapat di dalam politik. Janganlah biarkan generasi yang berikutnya menanggung hutang kita hanya kerana ketamakkan kuasa, kekayaan serta ego. Tidak ada kemegahanya hanya dengan jumlah angka yang besar dan di gelar sebagai graduan yang setengah masak.

Kerjaya seorang guru adalah sangat mulia dan satu tanggungjawab yang amat berat. Tujuanya adalah untuk memulangkan balik segala pengetahuan yang di miliki kepada anak murid mereka. Menggangap anak murid sebagai anak sendiri dengan penuh kasih sayang. Benih yang kita tanam hari, kenalah di jaga dengan betul agar kita dapat meraihkan titik peluh kejayaannya di kemudian hari.

Ada segelintir guru hanya menganggap tugas yang amat berat ini "sebagai satu kerjaya untuk mencari nafkah".   Kalau guru yang berfikiran sedemikian, saya cadangkan cari lah kerjaya lain. Tidak sesuai sebagai guru yang tidak melengkapkan diri, seperti dalam pengetahuan am. Mengajar dengan fakta yang di petik di atas angin dan anak didikannya pasti akan menjadi kuda kayu.

Kita hanya menanam herba pahit dan mengharapkannya membuahkan oren ?      

You only plant a bitter herb, and do you expect an orange tree to spring forth ? 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mid- Autumn Festival

Get This from

Mid-Autumn Festival or Harvest Festival is celebrated worldwide on the 15th. day of eight month according to the Gregorian Calender by the Chinese and Vietnamese. It's the same cultural celebration as Ponggal, Gawai, Keamatan, Maras Taun (celebrated by the Malays in Belitung Island, Indonesia) Festival.

A folklore, this festival is a way of saying appreciation for the year bountiful harvest. For providing their families foods on the table. In a cultural way, it teach us how we should appreciate with what we have today instead of whining, grumbling, moaning, bellyaching and not by equating with what other people have.

Showing our appreciations by saying Thank You and not Assimilating The Unfortunate With Ignominious. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Knowledge Or Geary-Khamis Dollar ?

It's a very tricky question akin to an egg and a chicken story, realized only when one's into their twilight years. Whichever comes first, depend on which audiences that we referred to. We may argue till the cows come home as everyone is entitle to his/her opine.

Everyone will go through a love chronology in one's life especially in our teens. Mama Mia, I've fallen in love. Extol with delectable masterpiece acrolect in fairyland. You are everything to me, life is empty without you, can't sleep without hearing your whispering, you are my inspiration. Nothing gonna change my love for you, even an angel in front of me. I'll be with you, no matter you are rich or a pauper.

To digress a bit, I would like to ask the fledgling students, what are your purpose to attend school and from whom you get your money from ? School is for acquiring knowledge and the money is not from your sweat. To the rich, some may just for fun and funky, but to those parents who eek out a living, it may become a difficulties. How to compare a coconut tree with a little bird ?

Pondering with the question which comes first when in love, Knowledge or Material Wealth ? How about Humility and Dignity ? If possible, everyone want all the good things to go in tandem but sometimes it may turned into tatters.

To be more realistically, Geary-Khamis Dollar is the yardstick in today's materialistic society. Money, money, money it's so funny, in a rich man's world. As the Chinese saying hula hula " Very Good" is " Si Peh Ho". The beauty of language may translate it into " When Father Died Is Very Good" where, the fortune could be transfered to his children.

Do money could really buy you everything including Happiness and Filial Piety ? The poor and knowledgeable society will permanently live in Miseries and always be a Flatterer ? How about the obligation of a son/daughter towards their parents especially in their golden years ? How many of us could hold this in our life philosophy "One Who Knows One Has Enough Is Rich" ?

The choice is in your hand. Round peg, square hole or the other way round ?              

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Malaysia Day

The seeds of racism sown will only lead a nation's to an impending darkness at the end of the tunnel. Daily's diatribes of racialism must not be allowed to keep on unfettered. A good governance must be held accountable for the well-being of her citizens.  

We want leaders with shining virtues, not rhetorics noisy noises in an empty vessel. A ray of hope for a salubrious environment to live in and to call it my proud home, MY DEAR MALAYSIA. All ethnicities could live in harmoniously without any ignominy. A quote :   

" Preside with dignity and there is respect. With filial piety full of compassion, and there will be loyalty. Elevate the good, and there are plenty of encouragements."  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kelentong Ridhuan Tee Dan Seangkatannya

Cahaya Bersinaran Atau KemalapanYang Bakal Mengundang Di Penghujung Terowong ?

Saban hari kita akan kedengaran lagu dan irama yang sama tentang isu seperti, Perlembagaan Malaysia, Kontrak Sosial, Article 153, Ketuanan dan B. Melayu. Tidak pernah mendengar burung murai yang menjadi batuapi ini memyanyi bagaimana untuk memulihkan ekonomi serta sistem pelajaran yang menjadi asas kukuh bagi sesebuah negara untuk bergerak maju ke hadapan.

Kos rentak permainan perkauman, adalah terlalu mahal. Rakyat biasa, tidak mampu untuk membiayainya dan di jadikan sebagai mangsa dalam permainan ini. Hanya kumpulan elit dan yang ada kepentingan diri sendiri, mampu menarinya. Rakyat jelata bagaikan kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang.

Di harap warga emas seperti mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir dapat memberikan tauladan yang baik kepada generasi muda kita untuk menghadapi realiti dunia yang nyata. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama. Kita tidak dapat memutar jam balik ke zaman kegemilangan dahulu. Penghormatan dengan paksaan tiada maknanya.  

Harta yang Tun miliki tidak   akan kehabisan untuk beberapa generasi berikutnya. Salah satu daripada 7 anak Tun, seperti Mirzan yang memiliki saham yang berbillion dalam syarikat pembuat bir dan makanan yang terbesar di Filipina, iaitu, St Miguel Corp. Dilantik sebagai Ahli Lembaga Pengarah pada 2009 dan keluar pada tahun 2010 .Tidak yakin dengan ekonomi negara sendiri, Tun ?

Pendidikan adalah asas yang amat penting untuk menjayakan ekonomi yang berlandaskan ilmu pengetahuan. Ridhuan Tee, panggil "balik Cina" jika tidak memperkasakan B. Melayu. Mansuhkan sekolah vernacular. Anak sendiri di hantar ke sekolah mana, S. Kebangsaan atau Vernacular ? Anak Pak Menteri kita pula di hantar ke sekolah antarabangsa untuk memperkasakan bahasa orang putih pula.

Bagaimana hendak memperkasakan B. Kebangsaan jika orang yang bergelar academik seperti Ridhuan Tee tidak mampu menghasilkan buku rujukan yang terperinci terutamanya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi maklumat ? Bak kata pepatah, hanya kedengaran halilintar, hujun tidak turun pula.    

Sistem pelajaran SK yang sentiasa terumbang ambing, membuatkan murid, guru serta ibubapa banyak pening. Cadangan hendak di mansuhkan PMR pula, padahal negara negara maju seperti OECD , mengambil inisiatif untuk mengkaji dan memperbaiki kelemahan sistem pelajaran negara masing masing dengan budak yang berumur 15 tahun sejak tahun 1997.

Ujian Programme for International Student Assesment ( PISA ) diadakan 3 tahun sekali, khususnya dalam bidang Reading, Mathematic, Science dan Critical Thinking. Kali terakhir ianya dianjurkan, sebanyak 63 negara mengambil bahagian. 30 anggota tetap OECD dan 33 negara jemputan. Entah sudah berapa lama tiada satu pun universiti kita tidak tersenarai dalam 500 terbaik Academic Ranking World Universities. 

Adakah mungkin Perkasa faham erti kesemua Perlembangan Malaysia ? Ini adalah kerana Perlembagaan Malaysia mempunyai lebih daripada 60,000 perkataan, iaitu lebih daripada 12 kali ganda Perlembagaan tertua di dunia, iaitu Perlembagaan AS yang mempunyai kurang daripada 5000 perkataan. "Strategi Lautan Biru" mereka yang berlandaskan teknologi tinggi sudah tenggelam dalam Laut Cina Selatan ?

Sebagai Ketua Kerajaan, Datuk Seri Najib perlu bertanggungjawab mengambil langkah yang berani untuk menyakinkan pelabur asing sebelum terlambat. Masa tidak dapat menunggu kita dan minyak akan kehabisan tidak berapa lama lagi. Deficit sekarang adalah amat ketara dan jika dibiarkan pasti akan menjadi barah.

Tidak boleh lagi menari dengan langkah Rumba apabila irama Foxtrot yang didendangkan. Gagasan 1Malaysia akan menjadi sandiwara sahaja. Selamat menyambut Hari Malaysia.    


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Forgotten Renowned Son's Of Nibong Tebal

I was very surprised the local residents never heard of the name of the most famous son's from Nibong Tebal.  Tan Sri Datuk Ir. Professor Emeritus Dr. Chin Fung Kee passed away on 29th. August, 1990 at the aged of 70. His parents operate a goldsmith shop, Kedai Emas Sin HonSeng in Jalan Atas. Sorry for earlier blunder.

Professor Chin had contributed significantly to the nation's building. Malaysia's most respected civil engineering, excellence in geotechnical, structural and hydraulic engineering. He was a also a local pioneer engineer who played a key role in the development of engineering education, research and practice in Malaysia. His contributions and achievements were recognized not only in Malaysia's but worldwide.

Professor Chin is remembered for playing a key role in the design and construction of the first Penang Bridge, the KOMTAR building foundation rectification work and the PLUS Highway.

An acting Vice Chancellor of University Malaya for seven years and also a Professor and Dean of Engineering. For more details biography of Professor Chin, please visit Wikipedia.  

This is a tribute to Tan Sri Datuk Ir. Professor Emeritus Dr.Chin Fung Kee. Rest in peace and your contributions to the nation's building will always be remembered by me. And I hope the younger generation will learn something useful about our elders.  

Sunday, September 12, 2010

UTAR : Ignorance Or Cronies Interests Threatened ?

A philanthropist RM30 million donation pledge to build hostels for students of UTAR was rejected by MCA. The reason given by the MCA president is ignorance of such a huge offer. A claim by another MCA politician, Thong Fah Chong is because this philanthropist is claiming a seat on the UTAR Council.

A noble man with wisdom, Mr. Koon Yew Yin's had to come out with  a press statement to rebut the claim by Thong's. Whether it's a sincere donation or self glorification, let the people be the judge, MCA !!!!!

Mr. Koon Yew Yin's is a co-founder of IJM Corp. A rich and low profile man with wisdom to help the poor in a noble way. A man who treasured the rich Chinese cultures and who want to instill back the values and virtue that are lost in today's materialistic society.

What's wrong with Mr. Koon Yew Yin's proposal to build the hostels and he be appointed as the Chairman of the Hostels Board of Directors and not a seat on UTAR Council, MCA ? Did Mr.Koon Yew Yin comes out with nonsensical conditions' with his proposal ? In honour of his donation, Koon Yew Yin wishes to have a tablet prominently displayed with these words inscribed to serve as a reminder :


Chua Soi Lek, the public has the right to ask you, why the offer was rejected ? To plead one's ignorance of such an offer is unacceptable. Are you really ignorant or Mr. Koon's is a vulture, who is threatening your cronies, with their vast selfish stakes surrounding the housing estates in Kampar ?

I believe Mr. Koon Yew Yin's has a very good foresight in not trusting the crook politicians to handle his noble intentions as mostly the money will vanish into thin air. A resemblance of the Chang Ming Thien Foundation will occurred if the Foundation is managed by crooks. The late Mr. Chang Ming Thien's was the founder of United Malayan Banking Corporation ( UMBC ), now known as RHB Bank.            

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Orang Sudah Berjalan Dua Langkah Di Hadapan, Kita Masih Lagi Merangkak Dengan Ketuanan

PERKASA : Kami Penentu Hala Tuju Kuasa Negara

Apakah Ertinya Kuasa, Jikalau Rakyat Hidup Merana ? 

Setelah sekian lama disuapkan ikan percuma setiap hari, sudah tiba masanya kena belajar bagaimana pula hendak memancing ikan dengan usaha sendiri. Tiada lagi makanan percuma dalam ekonomi kapitalis globalisasi dalam dunia tanpa sempadan pada ketika ini.

Mampukah hanya dengan kuasa memberikan makanan tanpa sebarang asas kukuh seperti dalam ekonomi,  pendidikan dan kestabilan ? Dunia akan menghadapi masaalah pengganguran yang paling ketara sejak Perang Dunia Kedua dalam masa terdekat, mengikut lapuran Persatuan Buruh Sedunia. Megikut lapuran yang di terbitkan oleh Forbes, 80% rakyat Malaysia di klasifasikan sebagai kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Setiap hari hidup dalam kebimbangan, adakah masih ada keesokan harinya.

Pelabur asing mahupun pelabur tempatan hanya geling kepala dengan gelagat kebudakan kamu sekalian, wahai Perkasa. Trend dana pengaliran keluar pada ketika ini adalah amat membimbangkan. Malaysia adalah satu satunya negara ASEAN yang mencatatkan angka ngeri negatif dengan dana masuk - keluar, iaitu sebanyak 81% pada tahun 2009, mengikut statistik Pertubuhan Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu.

Pada zaman tujuh puluhan serta lapan puluhan, Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang di kenali sebagai Harimau Asia yang dikagumi. Tetapi pada hari ini, Harimau ini sudah hilang taringnya dan tidak mempunyai daya saingan dengan negara seperti Naga Tidur China, Ultra Kiasu Singapura, Balik India, Balik Tongsang Hong Kong, Paling Innovatif Di Dunia South Korea, Lampu Merah Thailand, Secular Indonesia, Perang Vietnam.

Kemiskinan serta kebuluran tidak mengenal Ugama, Bangsa atau Kerakyatan. Kos pendapatan kita sudah statik lebih daripada sepuluh tahun tetapi kos saraan meningkat saban hari. Penduduk semakin meningkat, pekerjaan semakin berkurangan. Bagaimana kita hendak memberikan perkerjaan kepada ratusan ribuan graduan setiap tahun ? Mampukah kerajaan menyerap kesemua mereka ini di dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan jika tiada yang berani melabur di sini ?

Bumi bukannya statik dan paksinya sentiasa berputar. Begitu juga dengan lumrah hidup dunia. Mereka tidak akan menuggu kita sekiranya kita masih lagi tidur lena dalam buaiyan yang indah dengan khayalan. Tiada lagi


Friday, September 10, 2010

A Love Story Salad Remix

Love in one's life is a very complicated journey till eternity. A thousands innuendo journey fill with goodness, happiness, sweetness, laughter, enlightenment, compassionate, sadness, bitterness, hatred, frustration, worrying, et cetera. An onerous perplexed impromptu plod along journey's, best explicated by the love's songs musics and lyrics.

A conflate of boy and girl, man and woman, an inexplicable love atmospheres or euphorias will co-occur. Postulate with delectable exuberant lovely phrases that are inevitable to resists. Love chronology that is full of perplexity. A conflagration journey's, that will reminisced you, thousands of stories and memories.      

When saw her walking passed by, heartbeat became traumatized. "West Life My Love" is coming. "I Can't Live Without You" as you are everything to me. "The God Must Be Crazy" to put her above my parents and the elders. "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" by "The Hollies". "The Moon Represent My Heart" "Yeh Liang Tai Piau Wa Te Xin" so says Teresa Teng. Flying kite near the "House On The Prairie" from "Wind Beneath My Wings" by day.

Looking at the moon and counting stars under "Chyi Yu Olive Tree", don't asked me where I came from ? "Pu Yau Wen Wa Chong Na Li Lai". Abba Mama Mia, here I go again. Who am I ? What's your name ? "Bond, James Bond, The Spy Who Love Me". Flying with "Starship To Built This City" on "Top Of The World, is the love that I've found ever since you've been around ".   

"Everything I Do, I Do It For You" and "Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You" as you are the only one in "Feargal Sharkey Good Heart". "Don't Worry Be Happy" as I'm the only "Betterman" in this world. Don't believe "Son Of Four Purest Of Pain" as I will give you "A Better Tomorrow".

"Roberta Flack is Killing Me Softly With His Song" when " Den Harrow Catch The Fox" in a comfort zone with "Shakira Waka Waka". "Crying In The Rain" together with my "Shattered Dream". I was cheated by "Phil Collins Another Day In Paradise". "St Elmo's Fire" are now burning with a "Kung Fu Fighting" near "Funky Town" .

Seeing the "Starry Starry Night" after the brawl. "Don McLean" do understand that no one can. "Now I understand . What you tried to say to me. How you suffered from your sanity. How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they did not know how. Perhaps they'll listen now". This bring "Eric Clapton Tears In Heaven" for his very painful lost.

All this is only "It's A Game, It's A Dream" so says "Wang Chieh Yi Chang Yu Xi Yi Chang Meng". "Bob Marley, I Shot The Sheriff " that made "Van Gogh" shot himself, and he uttered "Latritesse Dudera Toujous". "Don McLean" again with a dedication to "Buddy Holly" "American Pie, The Day When The Music Die "

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Just For Fun

It's kinda funny when the Teochew or Hokkien speak to describe something, it will end-up with word KIA.

A policeman is Mata Kia
An inspector is Tua Kau Kia
A Chinese is Thn'g Lan Kia
A Malay is Huan Na Kia
An Indian is Keling Kia
An English man is Ang Mo Kia
A hut is Chu Kia
A small bicycle is Kha Chia Kia
A big spender is Phua Khe Kia
A thrifty person is Kiam Siap Kia
A gangster is Phai Kia
A baby is Gin Na Kia
A youngster is Hau Seh Kia
Korean car is Kia
To those who read this blog is GONG KIA (HA HA)

The Four Misery's Of A Man

First misery is staying in the lock-up : Mata Chu
Second misery is staying in hospital : Loh Kun Chu
Third misery is no place to call home : Boh Kah Ki Kai Chu
Forth misery is queen control : Boh Chu Yu Bik Tui Chu

Footnote : Please treat it as a joke. Sorry if anyone felt offended.  

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Tale Of Supremacy

Our nation previously known as Malaya is going to celebrate Malaysia Day for the first time on 16th. September since the merger of Sabah and Sarawak in 1963 excluding Singapore, pullout in 1965. She was once known as an Asian Tiger who sit proudly on top of the Equator. Bless with abundance of natural resources and has one of the most beautiful rain forest in the world.

Today, the nation seems to be in a haywire with the daily diatribe by the sycophant and the kleptocracy group. Hollering with their supremacy and showing their bigotry for the whole world to have a good laugh at. Presuming a nation with a monologue race, then what will happen with their own quotient of supremacy ? Writing one own epitaph ?

I really doubt these barking magpies do understand the whole Malaysia Constitution. Because of its many Schedules and sub clauses, the Malaysian Constitution contains more than 60,000 words, which make it more than 12 times longer than the US Constitution, which has less than 5000 words.

Audio court recording of a joker from the bonking chamber has hit the cyberspace like wildfire. Imaging himself in a Limbo Rock contest, to show how low he could go, posing nonsensical questions to a lady who spoke on behalf of the death. Making a mockery of the judicially. Are you a lawyer ? I thought you are a clown from Royal London Circus !!!!!!

Here come an odoriferous rapper wannabe seeking cheap publicity jump into the St. Elmo's fire debunking another shatterbrain principal. Adding fuel to the burning fire, this nuthead rapper wannabe is promoting vulgarism amongst the school going children by creating an unhealthy culture.

Our nation can't afford all this nonsense malady to go on unfettered. More than 80% Malaysians are struggling to call it a day. Ranting about tomorrow. POVERTY has no religion, race or nationality. Malaysians cherish leader's with shining virtue, not big noises or flashy colors. This Malaysia Day, all the peasants want is a salubrious environment to live in and call it a HOME. Borrowed a theme from the OECD.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Good Old Days

Coming into this world on a starry starry night of a poor family but bless with a big wonderful and caring siblings. Warmest appreciations to all his loving siblings that can't be measured with any amount of money. Life's really wonderful in those days although sometimes they only ate congee with soya sauce. Humility is the highest virtue.

 A kid who purposely dropout just to be near to their late beloved parents. Nowadays people thought to provide material wealth is call filial piety. So do cows and horses are provided. Is there any difference between them ? To the elderly, no other place is better than home sweet home in their old nest.

The Chinese celebrate the 9th day of the Chinese New Year on  a large scale by offering varieties of  foods and fruits to the Heavenly God for bringing them good health and prosperity. After the midnight praying, they will put either 2,3 or 5 oranges and some with "ang pow" onto a plate and place them on the altar of the God outside their home.    

A loquacious and mischievous camaraderie kid at the tender age of sixteen who play Santa, was once caught "stealing" oranges from the altar by an uncle. The uncle cheekily threaten to tell Santa father that his son was "stealing" oranges unless he could explain why he only took two and left another three and the "ang pow" on the altar ?

Santa : What is the purpose of uncle with all these offering ?
Uncle: As an offering to Heavenly God for giving their families abundance of good health and prosperity.
Santa : In order not to disappoint uncle, God is not greedy and only took two and left the others for uncle
           bless with more abundance of prosperity and good health in the coming year.
Uncle : Shock with the answer, the uncle scrub the head of Santa by giving him an "ang pow" with the word
           " Son, you are going to be a filial son and an honest man in the future"