Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Surat Terbuka Kepada Encik Lim Guan Eng

Terlebih dahulu saya meminta maaf kepada para pembaca yang budiman sekalian sekiranya ada terlanjur kata. Memandangkan saya adalah seorang yang miskin dan tiada banyak berpelajaran, saya akan menulis kandungan surat ini dalam dwibahasa untuk pembaca menjadi hakim dalam isu ini with your wisdom.

Sebagai pendahuluan, saya berharap artikel ini janganlah dijadikan isu agama.Di dalam keluarga saya, terdapat ramai juga yang beragama Kristian. Hormat menghormati adalah amalan kita. Tujuan saya menulis surat ini hanya untuk menuntut satu keadilan kepada kawan dan jiran saya sejak kecil yang meninggal dalam satu kemalangan lebih kurang 12 tahun yang lalu. Orang yang mati tidak boleh bercakap seperti kata Dr. Porntip.

En. Lim Guan Eng, email yang di kirimkan oleh saya kepada kamu dan di sk kepada En.Chow Kon Yeow (Pengerusi DAP Pulau Pinang) dan En.Tan Beng Huat (bekas ADUN Jawi) pada hari Jumaat. 17hb Disember, 2010 dan di susuli dengan email kedua terus kepada kamu pada 18hb Mac, 2013 masih lagi tidak di balas sehingga kini oleh sesiapa pun. Saya mengadu terus kepada kamu tentang kelakuan seorang councilor lantikan kamu dari DAP kerana saya tidak mahu perkara ini di politikkan. Ugama adalah satu senjata yang paling bahaya dan sentiasa di salahgunakan oleh orang yang tamak dan ianya berlaku kepada setiap agama.. A spark of fire can burn an entire prairie.

Bukankah En. Lim juga marah bila orang politik mempergunakan anak kamu di dalam satu video yang disiarkan melalui Youtube ? Anak En. Lim adalah anak dan anak kami yang miskin bukannya anak ?

Kenapa saya sangat marah mengenai isu ini, En. Lim ? Saya menitiskan air mata semasa saya membaca blog kepunyaan anak perempuan mendiang kawan saya yang mengatakan emaknya sebagai "HOPELESS" (Tidak Ada Harapan) dan "USELESS" (Tidak Berguna) disebabkan indoctrinikasi ugama. Budak ini hanya berusia 14 tahun ketika dia menulis artikel tersebut.  Di dalam satu kata perpatah Cina berbunyi "antara langit dan bumi, ibubapa adalah yang paling mulia dan anak yang derhaka akan di panah petir".

Budak ini hanya berusia empat tahun bila bapanya meninggal dunia. Siapa yang beri makan serta minum dan pelbagai keperluan hariannya, jika bukan emaknya yang beri ? Emaknya berkerja dari subuh hingga ke malam seperti se ekor kerbau membuat kuih untuk menyara empat anak beranak. Begitukah caranya kita mengajar anak muda membalas jasa ibubapa kita dengan perkataan yang sebegitu biadap dan menyakitkan hati ?

Bagaimana isu ini boleh timbul ? Councilor tersebut serta isterinya memiliki satu pusat tuition. Mereka mengajak budak budak dari pusat tuition tersebut untuk menyertai Gospel Hall. Kalaulah hanya untuk bergaul dengan penganut ugama lain dan belajar alat musik, maka ianya amatlah di galakkan. Tetapi malangnya, budak budak ini di ajar ugama Kristian versi Gospel Tuth mereka di tempat tersebut tanpa pengetahuan ibubapa.

Tujuan ibubapa menghantar anak mereka ke pusat tuition adalah untuk menimba ilmu dan bukannya membayar mereka untuk menimba ugama dan mendengar kelentong politik selama 10-15 minit. Saya tidak melaporkan perkara tersebut kepada Kementerian Pendidikan kerana saya tidak mahu merosakkan tempat orang mencari pendapatan hidup.

Saya mengaku dengan secara lisan En. Lim ada mengarahkan councilor tersebut untuk menyelesaikan perbalahan ini. Adakah mereka ikhlas untuk berbincang dengan kronologi perbualan seperti berikut:

Saya menyuruh Teoh (councilor) untuk mengajar mengikut syllabus dan jangan babitkan ugama dan politik. Dia kata tidak boleh sebab dia mengajar Sejarah. Ya, kebanyakkan kandungan Sejarah pada hari ini adalah mengenai Islam. Bila saya tanya, di dalam buku Sejarah, adakah ianya tertulis panggil ibubapa kamu mengundi DAP ? Saya amat terkejut semasa dia memberi balasan sebegini "oh, kalau begitu, kamu beritahu ibubapa yang tidak suka dengan cara pengajaran saya, jangan hantar anak mereka ke pusat tuition saya". Begitukah caranya kita bercakap kalau ada keikhlasan untuk berbincang ? Bagi saya ini adalah macam cakapan orang samseng di zaman muda saya.. Ini tikaman pertama yang saya  kena terima.

Tikaman saya yang kedua datangnya dari pengerusi Gospel Hall tersebut, iaitu En. Goh. Saya merayu kepadanya supaya jangan menggunakan budak untuk mendakwah. Biar mereka mengikut ibubapa mereka selagi mereka masih lagi kena bergantung kepada ibubapa mereka. Bila mereka sudah boleh berdikari, kita sebagai ibubapa akan hormati apa jua ugama yang mereka akan pilih. Adakah kertelaluan permintaan saya En. Lim ? Bukankah amalan saling hormat menghormati adalah diantara salah satu budaya kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum dan ugama ?

Jawapan dari pengerusi tersebut adalah TIDAK BOLEH. Sebagai seorang loose cannon, saya pun menaikkan suara saya, KENAPA TIDAK BOLEH ???

Dia berkata kalau begitu, dia mencadangkan dimana ibubapa menandatangani surat persetujuan untuk anak mereka menyertai Gospel Hall. Saya cakap, boleh, tetapi dengan syarat di dalam surat persetujuan tersebut menyatakan kamu juga mengajar ugama Kristian. Dia kata tidak boleh pula. Bukankah kenyataan sebegini membuktikan mereka masih berdegil untuk menggunakan budak budak yang berugama Buddha untuk berdakwah ?

Bagaimana untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian dengan perbualan yang sebegini En. Lim? Mereka selalu pegang pangkal pedang tetapi saya selalu kena pegang penghujungnya. Saya tidak akan dapat menerima tikaman yang ketiga, justeru itu saya pun meminta izin untuk balik. Sebelum saya hendak balik, Teoh memanggil saya menggambil sekeping gambar sebagai kenangan, saya pun bersetuju sebagai tanda penghormatan saya kepada tempat beribadat.

Budak budak DAP Komtar, saya bukannya gila dan saya faham segala apa yang saya tulis di sini boleh di hadapkan ke mahkamah sekiranya tidak ada kebenarannya. Kalau saya di hadapkan ke mahkamah, saya tidak mampu untuk mengupah seorang peguam tetapi saya akan membela diri sendiri.  

Sebelum saya postkan surat terbuka ini, saya pergi bersembang dengan Mother Mary sebanyak dua kali di St Anthony Church yang jaraknya hanya terletak 500m dari rumah saya. Walaupun saya berugama Tao, tetapi saya lebih selesa bersembang dengan Mother Mary sejak saya berumur 15 tahun. Adilkah En. Lim untuk terus membenarkan mereka berbuat begitu tanpa sebarang tindakan disiplin ?

This is my religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain,our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is KINDNESS -  Dalai Lama

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Open Apology To Madam Tan Cheng Liang

As a member of the Liu Kwee Tang Seberang Perai Selatan, Krian, Kedah Selatan, I hereby wish to extend my sincere apology for the disgraceful and biased treatment accorded to an invited VIP, Madam Tan Cheng Liang during the clan dinner held on 7th of April, 2013, which was also attended by YB Tan Beng Huat.

As a son of the co- founder (pioneer) of this association, I strongly condemn the uncivilized insolent action taken by one (i heard that he was bestowed with a title) of my clansman member. All this happening was uncalled for. Unfortunately, I didn't attend the dinner due to my health problem. Honestly, if I ( a loose cannon ) was there, I wonder what are the scenarios will becomes ?

As an association, we are non-partisan in politic. Every member has a right to vote for whatever party they like in this coming GE. We should understand what is call mutual respect. Different strokes for different folks.

Once again, on behalf of the Chairman of the clan association, our sincere apology to you Madam Tan. You have a very close relationship with this association since you are our previous YB. Wish you all the the best in this upcoming battle.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Where Is The CAT, YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng ?

Sir, you have my utmost respect for going to jail in defend of a poor Malay minor. This is the kind of CM that we want. A CM who's always fighting for justice, colors and religious blind. Where is the previous Lim Guan Eng ? Power had corrupted the mind and became arrogance ? Mastering the art of cronyism within a span of just five years? You really don't mind to loose the votes ? Forget what is call humility and courtesy.

Common Sense Goes Further Than A Lot Of Learning

Sir, I was perplexed on how you will be able to accept this joker ludicrous explanation in his press statement  released ? "GOH PAK" @ "FIVE HUNDRED" and GOH CHAP" @ "FIFTY", the media MISHEARD it because the SOUND is SIMILAR in Hokkien ? This explanation is a great insult to all the village bumpkins intelligence, Sir! As one of a penny wise, pound foolish and uneducated contributor's, do I have a right to ask Sir ? May I know, which charities bodies that had benefited from the proceeds of the event ? A penny for your thoughts, sir.

Distance Test The Endurance Of A Horse; Time Reveals A Man's Character

Sir, preach your CAT and don't just hang it on the wall. No element of thieving with this chap ? Let him off scot-free with impunity ? Still reappointed as a councillor again after this ignominious explanation ? This kind of thieving is not a joke sir ! Taking  NINETY PERCENT money meant for the hardcore poor. Where is the CAT Sir ?

KOMTAR boys, am I insane ?





Monday, March 25, 2013

The Smearing Campaign Had Started In DUN JAWI

Bravo Teoh for firing the first salvo by questioning the academic qualifications of a potential candidate for the coming GE. Of course, there must be a blessing from the top. A lot of people are saying, when election comes, politicians will come and shake your hand and CONFIDENCE LATER. 

In front of the Chinese audiences, they are going to sing a Mandarin song, Indians audiences, a Bollywood movie and so forth. What's the motive behind this dirty smearing tactic ?

Yes, in term of academic qualification, the present state assemblyman is not up to the standard. Dap will be using this excuse to kick out the present YB, and replace him with a lady candidate and will be appointed as an Exco IF PR can retain the state. Prove me wrong Penang DAP if you are all sincere in upholding Competent, Accountable, Transparent ? 

Teoh, I don't have any grudges against you as I was also playing the bad guy for helping you to solved an issue with the hawkers which was also attended by YB Phee Boon Poh. You know, I have to offend a childhood friend by doing this. You can claim for all the credit, but all I want is just justice. 

Whack me Teoh for anything that you like but not gangsterism  as i have not involved myself since the untoward ugly incident that happened 26 years ago (if memories serve me right). And I hereby pledge that i won't sue you for anything that you want to say about me. Is it fair ? 



Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Gratitude To My Siblings & Families Members

It's really a blessing for me in my life's for having such a wonderful loving, caring siblings and families members. A very big thank you to all of you especially to my three sisters-in-law and five brothers-in-law. 

To my eight siblings, once again a very warm thank you for having all of you as my brothers and sisters. It's really no any amounts of monies can buy. Although we are from a poor family, but the loving, kindness, caring bonding between all of us is really fantastic that no words can ever defines. I will forever cherish it in my life. Please take care of both my sons if I'm no more in this world as we really don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. I still miss our departed ones very much till these days. I'm really very happy today to see both my sons can jingle around all of you very well with a good attitude. 

To my sisters-in-law, once again, my warmest thank you to all you for being able to adapt well into this big family. Putting aside our different religions. Very respectful to the elders, caring and the kindness. Your choice of husband is correct. We are all very faithful husband and i  think all of us are not romantic. We are also very filial sons and husband. Like my third sister always said I'm an almost extinct type of person. Cherish it in your lives. Sister Deborah, although elder brother's had left us, you still take all the trouble to visit all of us when you are back form UAE. You still keep the important of family bonding within yourself. This is the kind of spirits that will keep the root of our families tree together forever. Sis, it's time to retire and enjoy your life. Sister Mag, still remember what I told you when, what's the most important thing in your life's when you are in your twilight years ? Trust my words as I'm very sure about it. It's my blessing to have you as my sister-in-law. Take your mom to stay with you more often as I think my brother's will welcome her with open arms. Being able to care for our parents is our blessing.  

To all my nephews, nieces, grandnephews and grandnieces. This group have too many members as I also don't know some of their names or sometimes confuse with their names. It span five generations and if lucky the sixth generations will be coming soon. Try to keep in touch with all your cousins to preserve this great family tree. Pleased arrange your time and come back for Qingming Festival if all of you are able to make it. It's the most important observance in my life. I never fail to pay homage to our late beloved ancestors since I was in my teens. To me, the objective of this observance is teach us not to forget our roots and at the same time it also act as a gathering to bring all the families closer. It's also to teach us how to be filial, respect the elders and humility. Hey, how about organizing a big gathering this coming CNY with a karaoke session thrown in at our ancestral home ? Its been a very long time we didn't celebrate it with all our families joining together like those good old days. I always insist good cultures that the teach us filial piety, kindness, humility and honesty should be preserved.              

Monday, January 23, 2012

Rise Of The Water Dragon

This Lunar New Year mark the beginning of the Water Dragon's since 1952. The beginning of the new year should give us hope for a better tomorrow. But it seems the premonition global recessions will be inexorable especially with the Euro zones mess and USA will fall into double dips. The lower and middle income groups will definitely felt the contagion effects.The disparity income gaps will be getting wider.

The soaring cost of living is a elementary concern to the majorities. For the past few years, price of vital foods are increasing sharply like there is no tomorrow. Foods that are customary symbolic for the Lunar New Year like pomfret means "abundance", sea cucumber "longevity" and abalone "prosperity" are beyond the means for the ordinary Joe.

Anyway, I hope that my premonition was wrong and everyone can have sanguine to breeze through the stormy weathers.

May the auspicious Dragon bless everyone abundance of good health, longevity, happiness and prosperity.
GONG XI FA CAI.            

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Season's Greeting

Another year gone by and a brand new year begins. May the auspicious year of the Rabbit brings you abundance of longevity, togetherness, prosperity and happiness always.

