Monday, January 23, 2012

Rise Of The Water Dragon

This Lunar New Year mark the beginning of the Water Dragon's since 1952. The beginning of the new year should give us hope for a better tomorrow. But it seems the premonition global recessions will be inexorable especially with the Euro zones mess and USA will fall into double dips. The lower and middle income groups will definitely felt the contagion effects.The disparity income gaps will be getting wider.

The soaring cost of living is a elementary concern to the majorities. For the past few years, price of vital foods are increasing sharply like there is no tomorrow. Foods that are customary symbolic for the Lunar New Year like pomfret means "abundance", sea cucumber "longevity" and abalone "prosperity" are beyond the means for the ordinary Joe.

Anyway, I hope that my premonition was wrong and everyone can have sanguine to breeze through the stormy weathers.

May the auspicious Dragon bless everyone abundance of good health, longevity, happiness and prosperity.